Contact Us

Get in Touch with DAIA

    Contact info

    Hours Mon. - Fri. 9am - 5pm
    ADDRESS Johannesburg, South Africa


    Find answers to common questions about DAIA’s programs, sponsorships, and digital education initiatives here.

    • Where can I find upcoming DAIA events?

      You can find a list of our upcoming events on the “Events” page of our website.

    • What types of digital education does DAIA offer?

      DAIA offers a variety of programs in digital literacy, leadership, innovation, and advanced technology skills. We design tailored training solutions for both real and virtual environments across industries like water, extractive, built environment, and vocational training. We develop customized training plans with clear objectives and effective methodologies. Our focus includes creating innovative training models, supporting green transitions through digital education, optimizing methods for diverse skill levels and cultural backgrounds, and measuring educational effectiveness.

    • Who can participate in DAIA’s programs?

      DAIA’s programs are open to students, educators, and professionals across Africa seeking to advance their digital skills.

    • How can I collaborate with DAIA?

      Contact us directly to explore collaboration opportunities in education, research, or industry-driven projects across Africa.

    • How do I become a sponsor?

      To become a sponsor, simply reach out through our contact page, and we’ll provide you with all the details.

    • What is DAIA’s mission?

      Our mission is to address the critical shortage of skilled personnel in Africa through new and innovative forms of competence-based training co-created at the intersection of education, technology, and international collaboration.